Workshops on Creativity 2020


These I have Loved, March 1st

This Sunday afternoon creativity salon is about how to rediscover and return to your loves, your obsessions, to what gives you pause, and what breaks open your heart, for this is where lies your interior blueprint, your authentic self, and all the fuel your need for your work, whether that be making images, using words, or creating just about anything. We'll have a go at taking your soul for a stroll, introducing silence and solitude into your practice, restoring your sense of wonder, and developing other practices that will let your nurture yourself.

‘Improbable marvels appear with the same regularity as your immersion in the richness of life.' We will dig, and immerse ourselves in a bowl of creative exercises and meaningful dialogue to enrich your daily lives and your creative practice in small but powerful ways that will let you return to what is authentic and yours.

Your artistic practice is a beautiful lifelong affair, so you must follow the voices that stir you and begin to have a more generous engagement with your life, and the things you love. Let's begin.

This is the second year of an ongoing series of Sunday afternoon studio salons which are aimed at activating your senses and filling your hopper with artful insights about how to grow your work and become a richer artist of your own life. Now is the time to shed some outer layers, develop an inwardness, and tap back into your center, that place from whence your work springs.

The Poetics of Space, March 15th

For there to be growth in our lives and our artistic practice, we must make space and room for expansion. In a continuation of the ideas begun in These I Have Loved, we will talk about how to grow ourselves and our creative process, and create a room, a sacred space, for our imagination and create it as an act of devotion.

New ways of seeing will always lead to new ways of being, so we will look at aspects of personal space as well as architectural, spiritual and emotional space, and how we can live in more than one chamber of our being. Creating and defining space for one's work is not always easy, but the rewards are oh so sweet, and oh so necessary.

‘Improbable marvels appear with the same regularity as your immersion in the richness of life.' Together we will immerse ourselves in a series of creative exercises and meaningful dialogue to enrich your daily lives and your creative practice in small but powerful ways that will let you return to what is authentic and yours.

This is the second year of an ongoing series of Sunday afternoon studio salons which are aimed at activating your senses and filling your hopper with artful insights about how to grow your work and become a richer artist of your own life. Now is the time to shed some outer layers, develop an inwardness, and tap back into your center, that place from whence your work springs. Understanding the poetics of space is the perfect place to start.



Ongoing Critique Series

Intensive five-hour, five-person, visual art critiques are planned for February 23rd, March 29th, and May 3rd.

These sessions would include vibrant discussions, a sharing of ideas and experiences, and intensive critiques to move your work forward. With a small group, you would be guaranteed a full hour of critique each session, plus the added benefit, I believe, of the thoughts and responses of other committed artists. Alternate weeks would allow for producing more work, or re~editing, sequencing, or multiple projects. There is also the possibility of bringing in some of my colleagues to critique.

Please email for more information and to sign up!